Ford Fiesta ST180 additions... (16/08/2014 @ 14:29:13)
The Fiesta ST180 alongside the Focus ST250 are 2 new models we arer concentrating strongly on. To compliment the range we already cover with the Focus RS Mk1 & 2 and the Focus ST225 we are adding new parts to the sections for these newer models on a daily basis and very soon you will have the most comprehensive range of products for these cars in the world , watch this space....
its all Kleer ahead............ (16/08/2014 @ 14:28:43)
Our good friends at Kleers have now added JW Racing to their range of dealers in the UK for their car care products , we all now you love to look after your cars so why not add some quality cleaning products to your next order!
JW Racing appointed mTune re-seller.... (05/02/2014 @ 13:25:15)
JW Racing are proud to cement their long relationship further with
mountune by recently being appointed one of only three UK based
re-sellers authorised to sell the new mTune range of software products ,
if you have any interest or questions please do let us know